Calling all Carlson Couples!

Take a moment and picture this with me if you will:

You just got engaged and are over the moon to begin your planning process but have no idea when to start. There are just so many new trends out there and the amount of information out there on the web can be overwhelming.

Wouldn't it be AMAZING to have a place where you can chit chat with other couples, ask advice, give advise, sell your post wedding decorations etc?!

The short answer: Yes. Yes it would!!

Did you know that we have a Carlson Couples facebook group! This is for ALLLLLLL of our Carlson Couples; past, present and future!

Feel free to drop by and ask us anything! Feel free to comment on each other's posts and be the awesome peeps that I know! These are the couples that are going through exactly what you are going through in your planning process, whether now or in the past. They get the frustrations, the decisions and the joy!

Not sure if you should splurge on chair covers? Ask the group!

Want to see items you should have with you in your wedding suite when you're getting ready?! Ask the group!

Have some wedding stuff that you want to offload after the I Do's, feel free to throw in the group as well!

We would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear from you!!!

My goal is simple. I want a space that all of our couples can come, chat, ask questions and be there for each other!

We will also be dropping in here and there to offer up some wedding content meant specifically for you!

Stay tuned as we will be hopefully planning one big Carlson Couple get together sometime this summer! (Patio/Deck redo pending) lol.

Thank you to all of our couples. Past. Present and Future. We love you all and can't wait to get to chat with you more and answer any questions you may have on ANYTHING!

Lehigh Valley Wedding Photographer & Poconos Wedding Photographer